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Details about the availability of the Alienware x14 R2 are released by Dell

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The Alienware x14 R2 features an 80.5 Wh battery. (Source: Dell/Alienware)
The Alienware x14 R2 features an 80.5 Wh battery. (Source: Dell/Alienware)

Dell refreshed the Alienware lineup of gaming laptops at CES 2023 with the latest processors and GPUs. The company also announced the Alienware x14 R2, a successor to the 2022 Alienware x14. Today Dell has finally revealed when you’ll be able to buy the new x14 R2.

Dell revealed the Alienware x14 R2 at CES 2023. The notebook features the 13th gen Intel Raptor Lake mobile CPUs and the new RTX 40 laptop GPUs. The top Alienware x14 R2 variant packs a Core i7-13620H with 10 cores and 16 threads, an RTX 4060 with a TDP of 85 W, 32 GB of DDR5-4800 memory, and 4 TB of PCIe NVMe storage. While Dell didn’t release the availability information at CES, we now have a release window for the laptop.

Dell has confirmed today that consumers will be able to buy the Alienware x14 R2 in early April for a starting price of US$1,799 (CAD$2,499).

For the uninitiated, the entry-level configuration of the Dell Alienware x14 R2 features an 8-core Core i5-13420H, an RTX 3050 rated for 50 W, 16 GB of DDR5-4800 memory, and 256 GB of M.2 storage. Fortunately, all models of the Alienware x14 R2 come with the new 14-inch 2560x1600 display that boasts 100% coverage of DCI-P3 gamut, a 165 Hz refresh rate, and a 3 ms response time.

Buy the Alienware M15 R5 gaming laptop on Amazon

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