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Nigerians are tasked with upholding national values by the minister of information

The Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris, has assured Nigerians that the current administration will continue to develop policies that promote national values and orientation among the citizens.

Mr Idris disclosed this at a grand reception organised by the Niger State Government to honour political gladiators from the state, on Saturday, September 9.

He urged state governments to support the Federal Government in the project of reorienting Nigerians, without which, he said, there cannot be meaningful development.

The Minister said the ongoing disbursement of palliatives across the states will be a continuous exercise until the hardship being experienced by citizens as a result of fuel subsidy removal is addressed.

He said the Federal Government is conscious of the people’s needs, and the 8-point agenda was designed and implemented to address the leading socio-economic challenges and create jobs for the youth.

In his remarks, the Governor of Niger State, Umar Bago, congratulated those who secured political positions at both the federal and state levels and urged them to be good ambassadors of the state.

He lauded the Federal Government’s plans to ameliorate the suffering of the citizens, promising that the state governors would play their part in ensuring that the palliatives reach those for whom they were intended.

The Governor noted that Niger State provides opportunities for agriculture with its mass arable land, saying it can play a huge role in the Federal Government’s desire for more prosperity for Nigerians.

The event was well attended by Nigerites across political parties. including heads of traditional institutions in the state.

Meanwhile, the Minister paid courtesy visits to two former heads of state, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, and General Abdulsalami Abubakar.

At the home of the two statesmen, the Minister said visits to elders are part of our cultural heritage, and the fatherly role that they provided for this country over the years will continue to be appreciated. He informed them of the resolve of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to return Nigeria to its path of glory.

Mr Abdulsalami congratulated President Tinubu’s administration for clocking 100 days in office and the Minister, on his appointment.

“The information portfolio is a tough job, having to market the image of government at a difficult time. I do not, however, doubt your capabilities, considering your media background, I’m sure you will do well.”

ALSO READ: Information minister seeks governors’ support for Tinubu’s eight-point agenda


“The government faced a very difficult situation and inherited many challenges with the economy, fuel subsidies, and security. Nigerians, as a people want changes to happen quickly. So, my message to them is they should join hands with the government to overcome these challenges.”

The Minister, while responding to questions from the media, indicated that elder statesmen are always known to preach peace and unity, and they have commended Mr President for his efforts in ensuring that there is peace and stability in Nigeria.
“President Bola Ahmed Tinubu is always talking about using our diversity for prosperity, and that is the message the elder statesmen also echoed here.”

“Nigeria is a very diverse country, and we should use that diversity positively for the progress and development of our dear nation.”

The Minister has since returned to Abuja.

Kogi AD

Suleiman Haruna
Deputy Director, Press
Federal Ministry of Information and National Orientation
September 10, 2023

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